Saturday, August 30, 2014
The Other Attention Disorder: Sluggish Cognitive Tempo vs. ADHD (2012) - Dr. Russell A Barkley
This is a video of Dr. Barkley comparing SCT vs ADHD at the Pediatric Grand Rounds at Cincinnati Children's Hospital on 04/17/2012
Now this presentation is very similar to the one given at Lynn's University at Transitions 2014. [See Link Here]. Now the reason why I posted it even though the Lynn's University version is a little newer is that it is easy to see it via 6 chapters already made and posted on YouTube instead of being at the Lynn's University website in the QuickTime format. The Lynn's version is 20 minutes longer.
If you want to print out slides to help you follow around the Lynn's University Link has the newer versions of the sliders [See Here].
Direct Link to Cincinnati Children's Video Player